Cannabinoids in Dermatology - Skin Cancer

Did you know skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US?  

1 in 5 Americans develop skin cancer - Cannabinoids and DNA Nutrition

1 in 5 Americans develop skin cancer - Cannabinoids and DNA Nutrition

1 in 5 Americans develop skin cancer in their lifetime, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.  

When it comes to skin cancer and cannabinoids, we currently have 8 Pre-clinical studies.  With clinical trials showing the potential of cannabinoid therapy to mitigate the side effects of cancer and its treatment.  

  • A study in the British Journal of Pharmacology reveals that both cannabinoids CBG and CBD were able to down-regulate genes involved in both cell proliferation and differentiation of select epidermal cells. (1)

  • Three terpenes i.e. d-Limonene, β-caryophyllene and phytol showed potential efficacy under laboratory conditions. (2)

We need more scientific research for cannabis and cancer.  Questions still remain as to what types of cannabis treatment may help skin cancer (topicals, oral, or other methods of administration), which cannabinoids, and how much (dosage).  An issue we have with topicals is that cannabinoids require a fatty environment to penetrate through the skin, a carrier to carry it across the membrane.  Topical products are being developed that will help with penetration such as nanoparticles, or adding ingredients that the cannabinoid can grab onto and be transported internally to be an effective way of delivering cannabinoids.

Is Skin Cancer Genetic? 

The Nutrition Genome looks at TP53, MDM2, GPX1 and CYP1B1 for DNA for skin cancer prevention.

DNA-Based Nutrition

If you have variants in these genes, niacin, zinc, and selenium are the three major vitamins and minerals needed to improve TP53 function, while vitamin D improves MDM2 expression. 

Foods to Emphasize:

  • Zinc - Shellfish, beef, lamb, liver and sprouted pumpkin seeds 

  • Niacin - Turkey, chicken, liver, wild salmon, maitake mushrooms and oyster mushrooms 

  • Selenium - Seafood, organ meats, chicken, pastured eggs, sourdough bread and unfiltered fermented drinks 

Dietary Strategies for Skin Cancer Prevention and DNA Repair

There are many dietary strategies for skin cancer prevention and DNA Repair based on epigenetics.  

If you would like to dive deeper into your own health:  


Schedule a Free Consult, or order your Nutrition Genome Report to get started today!

To learn more about skin cancer from American Cancer Society:

By Deanna Mautz, BSN RN

Nurse Consultant


(1) Pucci M, Rapino C, Di Francesco A, Dainese E, D’Addario C, Maccarrone M. Epigenetic control of skin differentiation genes by phytocannabinoids. Br J Phamacol. 2013;170(3):581-591.
